Privacy Policy


Optima s.c. dokłada najwyższej staranności w zakresie ochrony prywatności obecnych i potencjalnych Klientów korzystających z witryn internetowych Optima s.c. Niniejszym przekazujemy informacje dotyczące zasad gromadzenia, przetwarzania i wykorzystywania przez Optima s.c. informacji o użytkownikach witryn internetowych Optima s.c. Niniejsza Polityka obowiązuje w stosunku do wszystkich witryn internetowych będących własnością i prowadzonych przez Optima s.c., zwanych dalej witrynami internetowymi Optima s.c..

Optima.Systems Sp. z o.o. ensures the utmost diligence with respect to professional and compliant with applicable law the functioning of Optima.Systems websites, in particular with the law protecting the privacy of website users, including:

- Act of 18 July 2002 regarding the provision of electronic services, i.e. 2013 act register, item 1422 with later changes;

- Act of 16 July 2004 Telecommunications Law, i.e. 2014 act register item 243 with later changes; and

- Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), EU Reg. No. 119/1.

Optima.Systems Sp. z o.o. headquartered at Zwyciestwa 14/105 St. Gliwice, Poland, is the administrator of personal data, within the meaning of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (2002 act register, no. 101, item 926, with amendments) and processes your personal data obtained among others via Optima.Systems websites.

Optima.Systems Sp. z o.o. informs that it processes personal data of current and potential customers in order to offer products and services. Shared data will be processed for the time necessary to achieve the purpose of disclosure, unless the law provides otherwise.

The information provided by the user of Optima.Systems websites, including his/her personal data, may be used for commercial and marketing purposes if the user agrees. User's consent is equivalent to acceptance of receiving commercial and marketing information.

W sytuacji, w której osoba korzystająca z witryn internetowych Optima s.c. ujawni w formularzu kontaktu lub w inny sposób dane osobowe osoby trzeciej, uznaje się, iż dysponuje ona stosownym zezwoleniem tej osoby, której dane ujawniła.

Personal data of current and potential customers can be made available to entities cooperating with Optima.Systems Sp. z o.o. only if they have previously given their consent to it and only for the purposes indicated in the consent.

Optima.Systems Sp. z o.o. informs that in the case of the processing of your personal data you have the right to inspect and control the processing of your data and request supplementation, update, correction or deletion of data, in the case where the purpose for which they were obtained was fulfilled and it is allowed by law, and also the right to object to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes. At any time, you have the right to request the cessation of processing, i.e. the deletion of your personal data - the form of submitting this request is given when collecting this data.

Optima.Systems websites may contain links to websites of other entities. Optima.Systems Sp. z o.o. does not have any effect on the content of websites operated by these entities, the privacy policy of their websites and does not bear responsibility for them.

In case of any concerns, please direct your inquiry to our e-mail address

Polityka wykorzystywania plików "cookies" w witrynach internetowych Optima s.c.

Optima.Systems websites may use cookies. Cookies are files containing various information that are saved on your device when you visit a website. Cookies enable adjustment of the operation of websites to the preferences of users. Thanks to cookies, it is possible to analyze the most visited pages of Optima.Systems websites and users’ behaviour. Cookies allow us to measure the effectiveness of our commercial activities and to adapt our offer to a specific group of recipients. Cookies also allow us to continuously improve Optima.Systems websites, and to make their usage easy and user-friendly.

Pliki cookies nie umożliwiają w jakikolwiek sposób identyfikacji tożsamości osoby odwiedzającej witryny internetowe Optima s.c., nie przetwarzają danych osobowych i nie powodują zmian konfiguracyjnych w urządzeniu końcowym osoby odwiedzającej witrynę i oprogramowaniu zainstalowanym na tym urządzeniu.

Optima.Systems websites use cookie files in order to:

- enable the user to use the functionality of Optima.Systems websites, basic and extended;

- provide services;

- adapt the content of pages to the end device of the person using Optima.Systems websites, memorize individual settings and optimize the use of websites;

- ensure the security of using the websites;

- create anonymous, aggregate statistical data in order to improve the functionality of websites; and

- prepare commercial activities and offers of products and services, and their adaptation to a specific group of current or potential customers.

Optima.Systems websites use the following types of cookies:

Temporary session cookies – they remain in the web browser until it is turned off, or when you exit or log out of the website on which they were posted. These are primarily cookies necessary to ensure the correct and safe use of the website and its functionality. This type of cookies does not collect information for marketing purposes.

Permanent cookies – they remain in the web browser of the end device of the person visiting the website until they are deleted by the user or for a predetermined amount of time specified in the cookie file parameters.


The default settings of web browsers most often allow the use and placement of cookies in them. It is possible to configure the web browser in such a way that before each placement of the cookie file an appropriate message appears. The user can also completely block the use of cookies. However, this involves the complete or partial disabling of the correct operation of Optima.Systems websites.

In order to change the settings of web browsers regarding cookies, below we provide for your convenience links to the instructions of the most popular browsers with information on how to carry out the relevant changes:


No change in the cookie settings by the user means that they will be included in the user's end device, and thus Optima.Systems Sp. z o.o. will store information on the user's end device and access it.

If you want to learn more about cookies, please refer to the following website or other websites describing the topic:

In case of any inquiries or concerns, please direct them to our e-mail address


For matters regarding privacy protection or personal data protection, please send an inquiry by e-mail to or contact us by phone on (+48) 32 743 61 70